Exhibition content: elevators, escalatorsand components, control systems, elevatorhosts and drive technology, hydraulicsystems, monitoring equipment, consulting,services, etc.
Exhibition time: May 6-8, 2025
Exhibition location: Promanio ExhibitionCenter, Sao Paulo
Overview of the Brazilian Elevator Market
The Brazilian elevator market has shown asteady growth trend in recent years.According to data from the BrazilianElevator Industry Association (Abea), it isexpected that the annual growth rate ofthe Brazilian elevator market will remainbetween 4% and 5% in the coming years ascommercial and residential constructionprojects increase. This growth trend ismainly due to the Brazilian government'spromotion of urban modernization,including policies such as renovating oldbuildings to enhance their accessibility,which directly drive the expansion of theelevator market.
China's elevator exports to BrazilAs a major elevator manufacturing country,China holds a certain share in the Brazilianelevator market. In recent years, China'selevator exports to Brazil have shown arapid growth trend.